Les Burwash



Les was raised on a dairy farm in the Balzac area just north of Calgary. He attended Olds College obtaining a diploma in Animal Science. In 1972, he earned a BSc in Agriculture at Montana State University, followed by a MSc in Biomedical Sciences from Colorado State University in 1974, with a major in Reproductive Physiology.

Les worked with breed organizations and horse groups to improve the profile and markets for Alberta horses. Les played a significant role in the gathering and development of factual
information on the horse industry. Throughout his career, Les conducted scientific research on issues confronting the horse industry. Currently he is working with Bow Valley Research on the development of pain mitigation products and procedures for castrating and tail docking in livestock.
Technology transfer and education programs have been the heart of Les’ career. This has
resulted in a demand for him to provide lectures on technical topics and industry trends to local horse clubs, veterinary and extension organizations, colleges and universities across Canada.