Bob Watson
I have loved horses since I was a pre-schooler growing up on the Watson family farm near
Nipawin, Saskatchewan. I purchased my first horse, a grade palomino stallion, when I was 29 years old and learned to ride on him on the farm we had recently purchased. There is a saying “The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man” and good quality horses add to the pleasure as well as pride of ownership. At age 33 I moved my young family to Claresholm Alberta where I was introduced to Morgan horses. I immediately fell in love, purchased my first Morgan a year later on October 6, 1979, and became members of the Canadian Morgan Horse Association. Since moving to an acreage near Duchess, in southern Alberta, in 2000 we have been very active in horse shows and other horse related activities. I have served on numerous Boards of Directors, including the Canadian Morgan Horse Association, through which I became acquainted with the Equine Foundation of Canada. I have been privileged to serve on the EFC Board since March 2008.